REA Video

Embed a Video on a page with REA optimized Video widget that allows you to customize video play button, add a glowing effect to the button, add effective borders to make it eye-catching.



Button Icon - You can select different button icons to show in the video button.

Active Glow - Enable this option for a play button glowing effect.

Video type - You can select either Youtube or Vimeo for the video.

URL to embed - Add the URL of the video to show.

Start Time - Start time of the video

End Time - End time of the video

Autoplay - Select this option to autoplay the video

Mute - Enable this option to mute video

Loop - Enable this option to loop the video

Player control - Enable this option for player controls on the video.


Wrapper Style

Padding - Adjust the padding for the wrapper of the video play button.

Border type, Border-radius - Select the border type, border width, border color, and border-radius.

Button Style

Padding - Add padding to the button.

Icon size - Adjust the icon size for the play button.

Use height and width - Enable this to adjust the height, width, and line-height of the button.

Width, Height, Line height (Available if Use height & width enabled) - Provide height, width & line-height for the button.

Glow color - select the color for the glow effect of the play button.

Text color - Select the Normal color and hover color for the text.

Background color - Select the Normal background and hover background color for the play button

Border Style

Border- Select the border type, border width, border color, and border-radius. You can also select border color & border-radius for hover effect.

Shadow Style

Adjust the shadow of the play button box & icon.

Last updated