REA Post Carousel
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The REA Post Carousel widget allows you to display your blog posts with Images, Post Titles, Excerpts, and Read More Buttons that slide smoothly.
Source - Choose the source for the content of the Carousel. Default options are Posts, Pages and Manual Selection. Other custom post types are also added.
Search & Select - Search and add the posts manually for the content of the carousel. This setting is available only if Source is set to Manual Selection.
Author - Add the authors for which the content will be displayed.
Categories - Add the categories filter for which the content will be displayed.
Tags - Add the tags filter for which the content will be displayed.
Formats - Add the formats filter for which the content will be displayed.
Exclude - Add the exclude filter for which the content will be displayed.
Posts Per Page - Set the number of posts to be displayed per page.
Offset - Set the offset for the posts pagination.
Order By - Set the parameter for the order by query option.
Order - Set the parameter for the order query option.
Template Layout - Set the template layout for the widget.
Show Image - Show/Hide the image of the carousel items.
Image Size - Select the image size of the carousel items image.
Show Title - Show/Hide the title of the carousel items.
Title Tag - Select the tag for the carousel items' title.
Title Length - Set the title length.
Show Excerpt - Show/Hide the excerpt of the carousel items.
Excerpt Words - Set the length of the excerpt.
Expansion Indicator - Set the excerpt expansion indicator.
Show Read More Button - Show/Hide read more button.
Button Text - Add the read more button text.
Show Post Terms - Show/Hide post terms.
Show Terms From - Select the taxonomy from the where terms to be displayed.
Max Terms to Show - Select the number of max terms to be displayed.
Show Meta - Show/Hide meta of the posts.
Meta Position - Select the position for the meta data of the posts.
Show Avatar - Show/Hide the author's avatar of the posts.
Show Author Name - Show/Hide the author name of the posts.
Show Date - Show/Hide the published date of the posts.
Effect - Select the carousel effect.
Visible Items - Set the visible items for the carousel.
Items Gap - Set the gap between the items.
Items Height - Set the height of the carousel items.
Slider Speed - Set the speed of the carousel slider.
Autoplay - Enable/Disable the autoplay for the carousel.
Autoplay Speed - Set the autoplay speed for the carousel.
Pause On Hover - Enable/Disable pause-on-hover property for the carousel.
Infinite Loop - Enable/Disable infinite loop property for the carousel.
Grab Cursor - Enable/Disable grab cursor property for the carousel.
Arrows - Enable/Disable arrows for the carousel navigation.
Dots - Enable/Disable dots for the carousel navigation.
No Follow - Enable/Disable no follow for the image link.
Target Blank - Enable/Disable target blank for the image link.
No Follow - Enable/Disable no follow for the title link.
Target Blank - Enable/Disable target blank for the title link.
No Follow - Enable/Disable no follow for the read more link.
Target Blank - Enable/Disable target blank for the read more link.
Select Style - Select the style for the post items.
Use Gradient Background? - Enable/Disable to use gradient background for the posts.
Post Background Color - Set the background color for the posts.
Border Type - Set the border style for the posts.
Border Radius - Set the border radius for the posts.
Box Shadow - Set the box shadow for the posts.
Background Type - Set the background type for the posts.
Post Hover Icon - Choose the icon to be displayed when hovering over a post.
Hover Style - Select the hover effect for the post thumbnail.
Use Gradient Background? - Enable/Disable to use gradient background for the posts thumbnail.
Thumbnail Overlay Color - Set the thumbnail overlay color.
Border Radius - Set the border radius for the post thumbnail.
Margin - Set the margin for the post thumbnail.
Typography - Set the typography for the read more button.
The following controls are for Normal and Hover state:
Text Color - Set the text color for the read more button.
Background Type - Set the background type for the read more button.
Border Radius - Set the border radius for the read more button.
Padding - Set the padding for the read more button.
Margin - Set the margin for the read more button.
Title Color - Set the color of the title text.
Title Hover Color - Set the hover color of the title text.
Title Alignment - Set the alignment of the title text.
Typography - Set the typography of the title text.
Margin - Set the margin of the title text.
Excerpt Color - Set the color of the excerpt text.
Excerpt Alignment - Set the alignment of the excerpt text.
Typography - Set the typography of the excerpt text.
Margin - Set the margin of the excerpt text.
Terms Color - Set the color of the terms text.
Meta Typography - Set the typography of the terms text.
Margin - Set the margin of the terms.
Meta Color - Set the color of the meta data.
Meta Alignment - Set the alignment of the meta data.
Meta Typography - Set the typography of the meta data.
Margin - Set the margin of the meta data.
Position - Select the position of the meta data. If the position is selected to be Absolute then the below controls will be displayed.
Horizontal Orientation - Set the horizontal orientation of the meta data.
Offset - Set the horizontal offset value of the meta data.
Vertical Orientation - Set the vertical orientation of the meta data.
Offset - Set the vertical offset value of the meta data.
This section is available only if Arrows is set to Yes under Content > Carousel Settings.
Choose Arrow - Select the arrow type.
Arrows Size - Set the arrows size.
Arrow Position - Set the arrows’ vertical position.
Align Left Arrow - Aligns the left arrow horizontally.
Align Right Arrow - Aligns the right arrow horizontally.
Padding - Set the padding for the arrows.
Normal State
Background Color - Set the background color for the arrows.
Color - Set the color for the arrows.
Border Type - Choose the border type for the arrows. If the value chosen is not None then Border Width and Border Color settings will be available.
Border Radius - Set the border radius for the arrows.
Hover State
Background Color - Set the background color for the arrows.
Color - Set the color for the arrows.
Border Color - Set the border color for the arrows.
This section is available only if Pagination is set to Yes under Content > Carousel Settings.
Position - Choose the position of the dots. Whether they should be Inside or Outside.
Use Custom Width/Height? - Enable/Disable for custom width and height controls of the pagination dots.
Size - Set the size of the dots.
Spacing - Set the spacing between the dots.
Normal State
Color - Set the color of the dots.
Border Type - Choose the border type for the dots. If the value chosen is not None then Border Width and Border Color settings will be available.
Border Radius - Set the border radius for the dots.
Padding - Set the padding for the dots. Only top and bottom padding is editable.
Hover State
Color - Set the color for the dots.
Border Color - Set the border color for the dots.
Color - Set the color for the active dot.
Width - Set the width for the active dot.
Height - Set the height for the active dot.
Border Radius - Set the border radius for the active dot.
Shadow - Set the shadow for the active dot.