REA Countdown

The REA Countdown widget enables you to add countdowns to your page in an attractive way.



  1. Type: Choose either Due Date or Evergreen Timer.

  2. Due Date: If Due Date is the type chosen, this option will appear. Set the destination date and time for your countdown.

  3. Hours / Minutes: If Evergreen Timer is the type chosen, these options will appear. Set the hours and minutes of the countdown *.

  4. View: Choose between Block or Inline.

  5. Days: Show or Hide the Days display.

  6. Hours: Show or Hide the Hours display.

  7. Minutes: Show or Hide the Minutes display.

  8. Seconds: Show or Hide the Seconds display.

  9. Show Labels: Show or Hide the Labels.

  10. Custom Labels: Edit the Labels’ text.

  11. Label Position: Choose labels' position with the numbers.

  12. Label Space: Set the label' top and left offset, if Label Position is chosen to be Right.

  13. Show Separator: Show or Hide the separator.

  14. Separator: Content to be displayed as separator.

  15. Separator Color: Choose the separator color.

  16. Separator Font Size: Set the separator's font size.

  17. Actions After Expire: Choose from Redirect, Hide, or Show Message. If Redirect is chosen, enter the Redirect URL.



  1. Container Width: Set the width of the Countdown’s container.

  2. Background Color: Choose the background color of the boxes.

  3. Border Type: Select the type of border, choosing from none, solid, double, dotted, dashed, or grooved.

  4. Border Radius: Set the border-radius to control corner roundness.

  5. Space Between: Control the space between boxes.

  6. Padding: Set the padding within the boxes.


  1. Digits

    1. Color: Choose the color of the numerical digits.

    2. Typography: Change the typography options for the numerical digits.

  2. Label

    1. Color: Choose the color of the Labels’ text.

    2. Typography: Change the typography options for the Labels’ text.

Expire Message

  1. Alignment: Align the Expire Message to the left, right, center, or justified.

  2. Text Color: Choose the color of the Expire Message’s text.

  3. Typography: Change the typography options for the Expire Message.

  4. Padding: Change the padding of the message.

Last updated