REA Author Box

The REA Author Box is a single post widget that dynamically displays the respective posts author.


Author Info

  1. Source: Choose the image source, either let it fetch the current authors image you can set an image from the custom option.

  2. Profile Picture: Choose a custom profile picture.

  3. Name: Name of the author.

  4. HTML Tag: Choose the HTML Tag the name will reside within.

  5. Link: Set a custom link to navigate to when the image is clicked.

  6. Biography: Add an author biography here.

  7. Archive Button: Set a custom link to navigate to when the button is clicked.

  8. Archive Text: Change the button text from here.

  9. Layout: Change the entire content layout from here.

  10. Alignment: Change the content alignment within the container from here.



  1. Vertical Align: Align image either towards the top or in the middle.

  2. Image Size: Adjust the image size with this slider.

  3. Gap: Adjust the space between the author image and info.

  4. Border: Displays a border around the image.

  5. Border Radius: Adjust the border radius of the image container.

  6. Box Shadow: Add a box shadow to the image container.


Adjust the color and typography of the author name and their biography from here. Additionally, you can also add a bottom margin to create a spacy look.


  • Change text color and background color for the button when it is in normal or hover state. You can also add typography styles to the text.

  • Adjust the border width and border radius with the following two sliders.

  • Add space within the button by adjusting the padding.

Last updated