REA Product Carousel
REA Product Carousel widget allows you to showcase your products in a carousel with many customizing features.
Note: This widget requires the WooCommerce plugin to be installed and activated as displays only WooCommerce products.
Layout Settings
Layout - Select the layout from the given options.
Show Title - Show/Hide the title.
Title Tag - Select the HTML tag for the title.
Title Length - Set the length for the title.
Show Product Rating? - Show/Hide Product Rating.
Show/Hide Product Price? - Show/Hide Product Price.
Show Description? - Show/Hide Product Description.
Image Size - Set the Product Image Size.
Image Stretch - Enable/Disable Image Stretch.
Not Found Message - Add the message to display when there are no posts found.
Show Quick View? - Enable/Disable the Quick View feature.
Quick View Title Tag - Select the title tag for Quick View.
Image Clickable? - Enable/Disable clickable image.
Carousel Settings
Effect - Select the carousel effect.
Visible Product - Set the number of the products to be visible initially.
Items Gap - Set the gap between the items in the carousel.
Speed - Set the transition speed of the carousel.
Autoplay - Enable/Disable the autoplay settings of the carousel.
Infinite Loop - Enable/Disable the infinite loop settings of the carousel.
Grab Cursor - Enable/Disable the grab cursor settings of the carousel.
Arrows - Enable/Disable the arrows navigation settings of the carousel.
Dots - Enable/Disable the dots navigation settings of the carousel.
Image Dots - Enable/Disable the image dots navigation settings of the carousel.
Direction - Select the direction for the transition of the carousel.
Filter By - Select the products filtering parameter.
Order By - Select the products display ordering parameter.
Order - Select the type of order in which the products should be displayed.
Products Count - Set the number of products to be displayed.
Offset - Set the products offset.
Product Type - Add the type for which the products should be displayed.
Product Categories - Add the categories for which the products should be displayed.
Product Tags - Add the tags for which the products should be displayed.
Product Color - Add the colors for which the products should be displayed.
Product Size - Add the size for which the products should be displayed.
Sale/Stock Out Badge
Style Preset - Select the style preset for the badge.
Alignment - Set the alignment of the badge.
Sale Text - Add the sale text for the badge.
Stock Out Text - Add the stock out text for the badge.
Background Color - Set the background color for the products.
Margin - Set the margin for the products.
Border Type - Set the border settings for the products for Normal and Hover states.
Border Color - Set the border color for the products for Normal and Hover states.
Box Shadow - Set the box shadow properties for the products.
Border Radius - Set the border radius for the products.
Padding - Set the padding for the Product Details section in the product slides.
Color & Typography
Product Title
Product Title Color - Set the color for the product title.
Typography - Set the typography options for the product title.
Product Price
Product Price Color - Set the color for the product price.
Typography - Set the typography options for the product price.
Star Rating
Rating Color - Set the color for the rating stars.
Icon Size - Set the icon size for the rating stars.
Sale Badge
Sale Badge Color - Set the color for the sale badge.
Sale Badge Background - Set the background color for the sale badge.
Typography - Set the typography options for the sale badge.
Stock Out Badge
Stock Out Badge Color - Set the color for the stock out badge.
Stock Out Badge Background - Set the background color for the stock out badge.
Typography - Set the typography options for the stock out badge.
Width - Set the width of the button.
Height - Set the height of the button.
Normal State -
Color - Set the color of the button.
Background Color - Set the background color of the button.
Border Type - Set the border settings of the button.
Border Radius - Set the border radius of the button.
Hover State -
Color - Set the color of the button.
Background Color - Set the background color of the button.
Typography - Set the typography options of the title of the popup.
Title Color - Set the color of the title of the popup.
Typography - Set the typography options of the product price.
Title Color - Set the color of the price.
Sale Price Color - Set the color of the sale price.
Typography - Set the typography options of the content in the popup.
Content Color - Set the color of the content in the popup.
Review Color - Set the color for the review in the popup.
Review Link Color - Set the color of the review link in the popup.
Review Link Hover - Set the hove color of the review link in the popup.
Border Color - Set the border color of the content in the popup.
Typography - Set the typography options of the sale text.
Color - Set the color of the sale text.
Background Color - Set the background color of the sale text.
Typography - Set the typography options of the quantity.
Color - Set the color of the quantity.
Background Color - Set the background color of the quantity.
Border Color - Set the border color of the quantity.
Cart Button
Typography - Set the typography options for the cart button.
Normal State -
Color - Set the color of the cart button.
Background Color - Set the background color of the cart button.
Border Type - Set the border settings for the cart button.
Border Radius - Set the border radius for the cart button.
Hover State -
Color - Set the color of the cart button.
Background Color - Set the background color of the cart button.
Typography - Set the typography options of the SKU in the popup.
Title Color - Set the title color of the SKU.
Content Color - Set the color of the content of the SKU in the popup.
Hover Color - Set the hover color for the SKU in the popup.
Close Button
Icon Size - Set the icon size of the close button.
Button Size - Set the button size.
Color - Set the color.
Background - Set the background color.
Border Radius - Set the border radius of the button.
Box Shadow - Set the box shadow properties of the button.
Border Radius - Set the border radius of the popup window.
Background Type - Set the background of the popup window.
Box Shadow - Set the box shadow properties of the popup window.
Preset - Select the preset style for the dots.
Position - Select the position of the dots.
Use Custom Width/Height? - Enable/Disable the custom width and height controls for the dots.
Normal State -
Color - Set the color of the dots.
Border Type - Set the border settings of the dots.
Border Radius - Set the border radius of the dots.
Padding - Set the padding of the dots.
Hover State -
Color - Set the color of the dots.
Border Color - Set the border color of the dots.
Active State -
Color - Set the color of the dots.
Width - Set the width of the dots.
Height - Set the height of the dots.
Border Radius - Set the border radius of the dots.
Shadow - Set the shadow properties of the dots.
Choose Arrow - Select the arrow.
Arrows Size - Set the size of the arrows.
Icon Size - Set the icon size.
Align Left Arrow - Set the alignment of the left arrow.
Align Right Arrow - Set the alignment of the right arrow.
Normal State -
Background Color - Set the background color of the arrows.
Color - Set the color of the arrows.
Border Type - Set the border settings of the arrows.
Border Radius - Set the border radius of the arrows.
Box Shadow - Set the box shadow properties of the arrows.
Hover State -
Background Color - Set the background color of the arrows.
Color - Set the color of the arrows.
Border Color - Set the border color of the arrows.
Box Shadow - Set the box shadow properties of the arrows.
Last updated