REA Twitter Feed
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REA Twitter Feed is a special widget that embeds all the tweets of a Twitter account.
Prerequisites: A Twitter Developer account in order to get the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
Account Name - Allows the user to add the account name of which the tweets should be displayed.
Hashtag Name - Allows the user to add the hashtag to fetch related tweets.
Consumer Key - Allows the user to add the consumer key for its app to use the Twitter API. Consumer Key can be found on Twitter Developer Portal.
Consumer Secret - Allows the user to add the consumer secret for its app to use the Twitter API. Consumer Secret can be found on Twitter Developer Portal.
Content Layout - Allows the user to select the layout for Twitter feeds. Available layouts - List and Masonry.
Column Grid - Allows the user to select the number of columns for the Masonry layout. This setting is available if the Content Layout is chosen to be Masonry.
Content-Length - Allows the user to set the text length of the tweets.
Column Spacing - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the spacing between the columns. This setting is available if the Content Layout is chosen to be Masonry.
Item Spacing - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the spacing between the list items. This setting is available if the Content Layout is chosen to be List.
Post Limit - Allows the user to set the limit for the number of posts to be displayed.
Show Media Elements - Allows the user to show or hide the media elements of the tweets.
Show Avatar - Allows the user to show or hide the avatar image.
Show Date - Allows the user to show or hide the date duration of the tweets.
Show Read More - Allows the user to show or hide the read more link of the tweets.
Show Icon - Allows the user to show or hide the Twitter icon from the tweets.
Use gradient Background? - Whether to display the Background Color setting or Background Type.
Background Type - Allows the user to set the background type of the feed cards either a gradient or background image. This setting is available if Use gradient Background? is set to Yes.
Background Color - Allows the user to set the background color of the feed cards.
Padding - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the padding of the feed cards.
Border Type - Allows the user to select the border type for the feed cards. If the value selected is not None then the other settings for the border will be displayed.
Border Radius - Allows the user to set the border radius of the feed cards.
Box Shadow - Allows the user to set the box shadow of the feed cards.
All the settings in this section sets the styling of the elements for the feed card hover state.
Color - Allows the user to set the text color of the feed card title.
Typography - Allows the user to set the typography of the feed card title.
Color - Allows the user to set the text color of the feed card content.
Typography - Allows the user to set the typography of the feed card content.
Color - Allows the user to set the text color of the read more link.
Hover Color - Allows the user to set the text color of the read more link on hover.
Typography - Allows the user to set the typography of the read more link.
Width - Allows the user to set the width of the avatar image.
Height - Allows the user to set the height of the avatar image.
Avatar Style - Allows the user to select the avatar image style. Available styles are - Circle and Square.
Border Type - Allows the user to select the border type for the avatar. If the value selected is not None then the other settings for the border will be displayed.
Box Shadow - Allows the user to set the box shadow property of the avatar.
Font Size - Allows the user to set the font size of the Twitter icon.
Color - Allows the user to set the color of the Twitter icon.