REA Product Category Grid

REA Product Category Grid is a useful widget that allows the user to display the Product Categories in a grid view. The user can also control the query to fetch the required categories and also can customize the other elements of the widget.



  • Skin - Allows the user to choose the skin for the widget. Two skins are available: Classic and Minimal.

  • Columns - This is a responsive control that allows the user to control the number of columns of the grid.

  • Category Per Page - Allows the user to set the number of categories to be displayed per page.

  • Featured Image - Allows the user to choose whether the categories’ featured image will be displayed or not.

  • Image Size - Allows the user to select the image size. This setting is available if Featured Image is set to Show.

  • Image Overlay - Allows the user to choose whether the image overlay should be displayed or not. This setting is available if Featured Image is set to Show.

  • Count Number - Allows the user to show or hide the product count number for every category.


  • Type - Allows the user to select the query type. Available options are: All, Only Parents, and Only Child.

  • Categories (under Include) - Allows the user to select the categories that should be included in the query. This setting is available if Type is set to All.

  • Categories (under Exclude) - Allows the user to select the categories that should be excluded from the query. This setting is available if Type is set to All.

  • Child Categories of - Allows the user to select the Parent Category of which the child categories should be displayed. This setting is available if Type is set to Only Child.

  • Order By - Allows the user to select the field based on which the categories will be ordered. Available options are Name, Count, and Slug.

  • Order - Allows the user to select the order of the categories. Default is Descending.

  • Show Empty Categories - Allows the user to show or hide the empty categories.


  • Show Load More Button - Allows the user to show or hide the More button.

Below settings will be available if Show Load More Button is set to Yes.

  • Button Text - Allows the user to add the button text.

  • Button URL - Allows the user to add the button URL and its link settings.



  • Columns Gap - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the gap between the grid columns.

  • Rows Gap - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the gap between the grid rows.

Item Box

  • Height - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the height of the item box.

  • Padding - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the padding of the item box.

  • Border Type - Allows the user to select the border type of the item box.

  • Width - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the border width of the item box. This setting is available if the Border Type is not set to None.

  • Color - Allows the user to set the border color of the item box. This setting is available if the Border Type is not set to None.

  • Border Radius - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the border of the item box.

  • Box Shadow - Allows the user to configure the settings for the box shadow of the item box.

  • Background Type - Allows the user to choose the background type of the item box. There are two options available: Classic and Gradient, each will have its own settings to be configured.


This is section will only be available only if the Content Tab > Layout > Featured Image setting is set to Show.

  • Width - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the width of the featured image of each category.

  • Height - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the height of the featured image of each category.

  • Border Radius - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the border radius of the featured image of each category.

  • Overlay Color - Allows the user to set the color of the image overlay. This setting is available if 'Content Tab > Layout > Image Overlay' setting is set to Yes.


  • Alignment - Allows the user to choose the horizontal alignment of the category content. This setting is available if the Skin is set to be Minimal.

  • Margin - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the margin of the content.

  • Padding - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the padding of the content.

  • Background Type - Allows the user to choose the background type of the content. There are two options available: Classic and Gradient, each will have its own settings to be configured.

  • Border Type - Allows the user to select the border type of the content.

  • Width - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the border width of the content. This setting is available if the Border Type is not set to None.

  • Color - Allows the user to set the border color of the content. This setting is available if the Border Type is not set to None.

  • Border Radius - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the border of the content.


  • Typography - Allows the user to set the typography of the content title.

  • Color - Allows the user to set the color of the content title.

  • Hover Color - Allows the user to set the color of the content title on hover.

Count (available if the Content > Layout > Count Number setting is set to Yes)

  • Left Spacing - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the left spacing of the product count text. This setting is available with the skin Classic.

  • Top Spacing - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the top spacing of the product count text. This setting is available with the skin Minimal.

  • Typography - Allows the user to set the typography of the content product count.

  • Color - Allows the user to set the color of the content product count.

Load More Button

This section will only be available only if the Content > More… > Show Load More Button setting is to Yes.

  • Alignment - Allows the user to choose the horizontal alignment of the load more button.

  • Margin Top - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the top margin of the more button.

  • Padding - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the padding of the more button.

  • Typography - Allows the user to set the typography of the more button text.

  • Border Type - Allows the user to select the border type of the more button.

  • Width - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the border width of the more button. This setting is available if the Border Type is not set to None.

  • Color - Allows the user to set the border color of the more button. This setting is available if the Border Type is not set to None.

  • Border Radius - This is a responsive control that allows the user to set the border of the more button.

Normal and Hover state tabs have the same settings:

  • Text Color - Allows the user to set the text color of the more button for the respective state.

  • Background Color - Allows the user to set the background color of the more button for the respective state.

  • Box Shadow - Allows the user to set the box shadow of the more button for the respective state.

Last updated