REA Call To Action
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The REA Call to Action Widget is a tool for creating beautiful boxes that combine an image, some text, and a button.
Skin: Choose either the Classic skin or the Cover skin.
Position: (Only shown for Classic skin) Select position as left, center, or right.
Choose Image: Select Image for the widget.
Graphic Element: Choose between None, Image, or Icon to display a graphical Element above the Call to Action title. If Image is selected as the Graphic Element: Choose Image: Select or upload an image. Image Size: Set the size of the image, from thumbnail to full, or set a custom size. If Icon is selected as the Graphic Element: Icon: Select an icon from the FontAwesome library. View: Choose the default icon view, or select Stacked or Framed.
Title & Description: Choose the title and description that appears in the front of the flip box.
Title HTML Tag: Set the title’s HTML tag to H1- H6, Div, or Span.
Button Text: Enter the text to be displayed on the button.
Title: Enter the text to be displayed on the ribbon.
Background Color: Choose a background color for the entire box.
Min. Height: Set the minimum height of the entire box.
Alignment: Align the content to the left, center, or right of the box.
Vertical Position: Align the content to the top, center, or bottom of the box.
Padding: Set the padding for the content.
Min. Width: Set the minimum width for the image.
Min. Height: Set the minimum height for the image.
Spacing: Spacing around the graphic element.
Primary Color: Select color for the graphic element.
Icon Size: Select the size of the icon.
Typography: Set the typography options for the title.
Spacing: Set the amount of space between the title and description.
Typography: Set the typography options for the title.
Spacing: Set the amount of space between the description and the button.
Colors > Normal/Hover State
Background Color: Choose the background color.
Title Color: Choose the title color.
Description Color: Choose the description color.
Button Color: Choose the button color.
Size: Select the button size, from Extra Small to Extra Large.
Border Width: Set the border width.
Border Radius: Set the border radius to control corner roundness.
Text Color (Normal & Hover): Choose the color for the button’s text.
Background Color (Normal & Hover): Choose the color for the button’s background.
Border Color (Normal & Hover): Choose the color for the button’s border.
Background Color: Choose the color for the ribbon’s background.
Text Color: Choose the color for the ribbon’s text.
Distance: Move the slider between 0-50 to set the distance for the ribbon.
Typography: Set the typography options for the ribbon’s title.
Box Shadow: Set the box-shadow settings for the ribbon.
Sequenced Animation: Choose if the animation for the text elements appears sequenced or all at once.
Hover Animation: Choose the hover animation for the image: Zoom in or out, or move left, right, up or down.
The following items can be set independently for both the Normal and Hover states:
Overlay Color: Choose the overlay color for the image.
CSS Filters: Set blur, brightness, contrast and saturation for the image.
Blend Mode: (For Normal state) Set a blend mode.
Transition Duration (ms): (For Hover state) Set the duration for the hover effect.
Link: Enter the URL for the button’s link. Click the Link Options cog to either add rel=nofollow to the link or to open the link in a new window.